Even if you are healthy you are supposed to eat slowly and savor your food. Yet when I am trying to eat breakfast on the way to work while making food for my child and husband it can be a challenge, so I try to enjoy WHAT I’m eating since the WHEN is less frequent to starve out the bad bacteria.
Since everyone has different tolerances for different foods and there are so many different diets out there, I need to note that these work for me but they might not for you. They should only be used if you are keeping your symptoms under control and not sick. An elimination diet* is the best way to figure out what you can or can’t eat – make sure you keep a detailed food diary of how you feel.
*An elimination Hot Tip – use the prep day for the hydrogen test (when you really should only eat meat/eggs) as your elimination diet and slowly add in cooked veggies and some fruits to see how your body reacts.
With my recipes, I will only name names if I have really liked and depended on a product that I thought was special. If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all…
I miss beans and lentils – especially for lunch because I really only liked to eat either chicken, turkey or fish once a day before SIBO and get protein from plant sources – so some of these recipes are me trying to make up for the lack of beans (i.e. yellow squash hummus). I have been having eggs with breakfast pre-SIBO so that was an easy diet staple to keep. I understand some people have allergies with eggs and nuts so I feel for them. And wow, I have huge empathy for those who are vegan and have SIBO because meat seems to be the best thing to starve the bad bacteria and feed yourself.