About a year after my diagnosis, I was doing much better because of my diet and use of supplements, yet I was still a little off. I think my slow gut motility made it easy to become constipated. I got back on the research wagon and went back to trusted sources. There are some prescription prokinetic drugs that we really powerful. You can look those up easily or ask your doctor.
I wanted to try the natural route, which is what I believe I will do with all of my SIBO treatment going forward since the harsh prescription antibiotics didn’t make for a miracle cure. And some of the prescription prokinetics have horrible side effects. No, thanks!
Instead, Iberogast popped up a few times from trusted sources. It is a European, natural prokinetic and it is supposed to help with IBS, gas and even nausea.
Well, I think it helped me! I did the four week dosage and now use it only once and awhile if I need some assistance. It is not harsh in any way. I mixed it with a small amount of water before most meals and it went down fine.
Amazon has it and so do some other online health stores. There are a few other natural remedies, but I am liking this one. Ginger is a natural prokinetic and ginger tea is something that I like to drink before eating.
May your guts be motile!